Fashion accessory processing
our core business
Consultancy, design and production of fashion accessories and jewellery articles. Our core business, the specialization that has allowed us to grow and establish ourselves over time with the skills of our team, technology and internal organization. Our company is highly specialized in the processing of accessories for the high fashion, footwear and costume jewelry industry.
In particular, it is able to follow the entire design of an accessory, from the first sketch to the finishing of the surfaces. Our internal organization provides a team dedicated to consulting and engineering of articles that supports designers in the design stages to identify solutions, materials and techniques that can achieve the results expected from the fashion house and, above all, to last in time.
"A team dedicated to article consulting and engineering that supports designers in the planning phases."
The processing stages that we are able to follow directly in the company range from cutting, turning and milling of metals, wood, plexiglass for the realization of individual items, up to all finishing processes.
Particular attention is paid to quality control: at the entrance on the materials that must then be processed, and that to offer an excellent success must meet the standards of perfection, and out on finished articles that must meet the highest standards regarding aesthetic level, durability and resistance over time.
in particular we deal with
From the idea to the design to the final realization passing through the craftsmanship of those who for a long time can shape any type of material and of any size. F.D.F. Accessories for this has carved out an important niche in the field of fashion and small items.
The wood, the metals, the stones have no secrets for the founder of the company and its staff and let themselves be shaped by their expert hands to relive in objects of all kinds, from the largest to those smaller or very small as the bag charms.
Tables, chests, trunks, wooden vases, furniture components, hangers or very small objects: where the machine cannot get to inlay, draw, create, only the hand of man can arrive and create works of high level and extreme quality.
An example of this are the splendid charms, the fashion Knick knacks. F.D.F also makes those refined minuterias that complete great works that have often become part, for their originality and beauty, of the collective imagination and become the emblem of the status symbol.
Just think of the luxury doll, Vivienne, for which the company produces very small parts that on the whole really make a difference.
It will be for the high professionalism and competence, for the modern CNC technology and for the craftsmanship that F.D.F is able to express and to impress in every workmanship that its activity is required by the big names of fashion. For them F.D.F realizes object nomades and objects of high fashion.
F.D.F is the symbol of how craftsmanship in the field of quality products is always the trump card. Objects, ornaments or small luxury accessories are so important only because they are made by the mastery of human hands. These are exclusive items of furniture because they are handmade and often very difficult to find.
A mastery that also uses cutting-edge machinery and tools that make technological innovation the important and fundamental support to the final success of the product.
In this way objects are created, objects that fashion houses require, the clientele appreciates and that the whole world envies.
Research and experimentation. We have invested in these two bases to propose processes that combine more materials to recreate unique effects, applicable in all luxury segments.
In recent years overcoming metals has been our goal.
For us, overcoming metal means offering a range of creative possibilities to designers and fashion houses, which go beyond the finishing of surfaces and allow to obtain innovative results, for the design and combination of materials.
Today we can claim to be one of the few companies able to work, with high standards of customization and quality, a wide range of materials, ranging from wood to resin. These skills have been refined to allow those who think of fashion collections or luxury accessories, do not set limits.
The craftsmanship, combined with this versatility, allows us to create each object as if it were a sort of unique piece and made thanks to the manual ability of the people who work, finish and assemble the different materials involved in the project.
Ability to work with different material, integrate them and develop designs for luxury charms made by major fashion brands. Discover how we can produce home decor items and luxury knick knacks.
Some of our achievements
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P.IVA 02097760975
Capital stock € 40.000 I.V.
REA FI-663716