To make an object worthy of being considered haute couture, a detail is often needed to complete the whole and give it value. What luxury craftsmanship requires can be found in the shapes, the style, the fusion of different materials and the details, sometimes small or very small.
The winning idea in the production of fashion accessories lies in the originality and quality of the objects: the brands demand the utmost in craftsmanship and luxury craftsmanship to make every detail and every object unique.
These can be luxury handcrafted bijoux such as a ring that lacks a small brass bar covered in rhinestones for added style and grace, or a button embellished with thin, hand-woven metal plates. But it is also the handle of a handbag enriched with elements of gilded brass and palladium or a buckle decorated with pearls inside a metal bowl.
Details, obtained from the production of fashion accessories, which are transformed into precious parts of a whole thanks to the luxury craftsmanship capable of creating an object that reflects the desire to rise above the ordinary with taste and style.
This is why we have specialised for years in this hard-to-define sector. We are, in fact, luxury craftsmen, able to work a very wide range of materials - wood, metals, rhinestones, horn - and to do so by hand, without industrial or standard processes.
Our market position is difficult to define: we stand next to styling departments of fashion houses and their suppliers who are not used to producing objects or bijoux that require complex manual workmanship.
We like to describe ourselves as artisans 4.0, i.e. a company that makes technology and computerisation two key elements in the control of workflows, but leaves the main role to the inventiveness and craftsmanship of its team.
We work mainly for high fashion brands and specialise in bijoux, home decoration and small accessories that can only come from luxury craftsmanship. Each our item is new, based on a projects (often on sketches) and never involve industrial processing, because machines cannot do what we can.